What is SB379?
Step 1: What is SB379 and is your jurisdiction required to comply?
In an effort to help jurisdictions meet the State's clean energy needs and spur decarbonization in residential housing through electrification, the State of CA has mandated via SB379 that, unless an exemption applies, every local jurisdiction must implement an online, automated permitting platform that verifies code compliance and issues permits in real time for certain types of residential solar projects.

This State mandate applies to all California cities with a population of 5,000 or more and all California counties with a population of 150,000 or more (including each city within that county).
Step 2: Comply with Symbium
Unlike any other option on the market, Symbium will remain flexible to your jurisdiction’s needs and regulatory or procedural requirements. Symbium’s solution allows you to require plan uploads, affidavits, and customized regulatory nuances so that it best reflects your needs.
Man Browsing Symbium
Claim Your Grant Funds
Step 3: Claim your Grant Funds!
Symbium will make it easy for you to claim your CalAPP grant funds. Symbium charges jurisdictions a one-time setup fee, which can be claimed from grant proceeds.

Already working with another SB379 provider? No problem! We’ll help you make the switch to Symbium.
Claim Your Grant Funds
Symbium will integrate into your existing permit tracking system
We believe that these software integrations should be standard practice so that permit applicants aren’t doing twice the work! That’s why Symbium offers seamless integrations into your department's existing permit tracking system (PTS), including cloud-based offerings by Accela, Tyler Technologies, Central Square Technologies, and others. Our world-class tech team will work alongside your IT staff to ensure that your business processes are optimized and that permits submitted from Symbium are seamlessly synced across your cloud-based systems. With Symbium, you can finally say goodbye to requiring duplicitous manual entries by permit applicants or department staff. Join us today and start experiencing the power of effortless integrations!